Website Terms and Conditions of Use

Website Terms and Conditions of Use

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using our web site.

By accessing or using our web site, you agree to be bound by the provisions set out below and in a manner consistent with any and all applicable law and regulation in any country in which you access this web site. If you do not agree to be bound in this way, do not continue to access or use our web site.

We may modify these provisions at any time. Any such modifications will be effective immediately from the time they are included on our web site. You agree to review these provisions regularly to ensure you become aware of any modifications to them.

  1. Information Security

We use industry-standard systems to store and transfer your personal information. We do not share your information with any third party other unless legally obliged to do so. We can also share your information if this is necessary to fulfil and deliver your order, eg. with courier companies.

The internet is not a secure medium and security cannot be assured. We cannot warrant or ensure that any information you transmit to us is secure. Any information you transmit to us and/or our website is transmitted at your own risk. We do not accept any responsibility for any harm or damage you may experience or incur by sending personal or confidential information to us over the internet or if we send you such information at your request. We urge you to have up-to-date anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall software and recommend you take note of internet security advice offered on reputable third party news and information websites.

  1. Encryption

Please note that any e-mail sent to or from ourselves via this web site and any attachments will not be encrypted. They may, therefore, be liable to be compromised. This is an inherent risk in relation to email.

We do not, to the extent permitted by law, accept any liability (whether in contract, negligence or otherwise) for any external compromise of security and/or confidentiality in relation to transmissions sent by e-mail.

  1. Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us and we, therefore, like to take the opportunity to outline our privacy policy. This privacy policy is intended to help you understand what information may be gathered from you and how we will use it.

Please read this policy carefully and do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or remarks. We do not accept any liability for and this privacy policy does not apply to any content or information contained in, collected from or submitted to any third-party web sites that you access via any link from our web site.

    1. What Personal Information Do We Collect?

We will collect the information (including sensitive personal data, if you have given us permission to do so) we need for us to provide you with our high level of service and to send you information from Jurang Wholesale Limited only, including but not limited to the following types of information.

      1. Making an enquiry

If you make an enquiry with us, we will store your name, geographical address including postcode, email address and phone number(s) with which we can communicate with you. We may also store information about your requirements and preferences regarding the goods/services for which you are requesting a quotation.

      1. Registering with us

If you register as a user of our web site, we will store your name, contact details (including but not limited to geographical address including postcode, telephone and fax numbers, email address), and the products and services you require, delivery information and invoicing information.

      1. Ordering Goods

If you order from us, we will store your name, geographical address including postcode, delivery address including postcode, email address and phone number(s) to contact you, if necessary, about your order, to deliver goods that you have purchased and to inform you by email of the progress of your order.

      1. Payment details

We use a trusted third-party provider for our online payments. As a result of this, we do not collect your credit card details (including numbers, cardholders’ details and commencement and expiry dates) and payment tracking information. Such information is collected by those third-party providers and we refer you their terms and conditions.

      1. Job Applicants

If you submit your curriculum vitae to us, we will store all of the details on that curriculum vitae, including your name, date of birth, address, educational qualifications, work details and any personal data you provide to us about your referees. By giving us details of your referees you are representing to us that you have consent for us to hold their names and contact information.

    1. Use Of Your Personal Information

Jurang Fairtrade deals with all your personal information in a respectable and ethical manner. We are more than a company name; we are real, actual people ourselves and we too care about privacy. As such we believe it is important that any personal information you provide to us:

  • is kept secure at all times
  • is only used for the purpose(s) for which you gave us the information
  • is not shared with any third party without your knowledge and permission

If you have opted to provide us with personal information it may be used by us:

  • to answer your enquiry;
  • to fulfil any contract between you and us;
  • to contact you, if necessary, about your order;
  • to contact you, if necessary, about your job application
  • to request your participation in customer surveys to help us improve our services;
  • to inform you by post, email or telephone of products and/or services we supply which may be of interest to you;
  • to ensure that our web site is presented in an effective manner for you and for your computer;
  • to allow you to participate in any interactive features of the web site;
  • to notify you of any changes to our services and web site.
  • to pass on to a successor in title to our business or to anyone to whom we assign our contract with you.

We do not collect or compile personally identifying information for dissemination to third parties for consumer or business marketing purposes. We do not sell databases or personal information to third parties.

If you choose to give us personal information via the internet we may need to correspond with you, for example, to let you know how we will use such information. If you inform us that you do not wish to have this information used as a basis for further contact with you then we will respect your wishes.

If you wish any or all of your personal information submitted to be removed from our database at any time, for us to stop using your information for the purposes set out above, or if you wish to update or correct any inaccuracies in the personal information we hold about you or, if you have any other comments please contact us at our registered office address.

Third Parties

Your information will be passed to third parties:

  • if it is necessary for the performance of the services or in relation to the products you have requested,

e.g. to couriers; or

  • if necessary to enforce these terms and conditions; or
  • if such third parties are the police or any other regulatory or government authority where we have been requested to do so.
    1. Cookies

Cookies are software applications which are placed onto the hard drive of your computer by web sites. The aim of a cookie is to track a user's navigation in the web site and store the information on the user's hard drive. This information should make your web site visits more productive by storing and using information on your web site preferences and habits. They do not identify users personally but they do identify each user's computer. Your browser software can choose whether or not to accept cookies and most browser software is initially set up to accept them.

We may offer cookies to you to improve our web site and to deliver a more personalised service. Cookies may enable us to estimate usage patterns, to speed up your searches and to recognise you when you return to our web site. You should ensure that your browser software is set not to accept cookies if you do not wish to receive them.

If your internet browser is set up to accept cookies, then cookies are used to track your activity at our site. We do not, however, link this to a personal profile. Consequently the use simply allows us to see general statistics regarding the usage of our site, including but not limited to IP addresses, pages viewed, number of sessions, number of unique visitors.

    1. Legal Requirements and Disclosure

As outlined earlier, we will not disclose personal information without your consent. However, if we are required to disclose information to fulfil certain legal and regulatory requirements, we will do what is legally required of us. Similarly, if we believe, in good faith, that other people's safety and/or rights are at risk, we will make a disclosure to the relevant authorities.

    1. Online Payments

All online payments made to us are handled by Realex Payments on behalf of Global Payments. We recommend you read the terms and conditions of Realex Payments and Global Payments before making any payment to us.

    1. Your Rights

You have a legal right to request a copy of any personal information Jurang Fairtrade holds about you and to correct any errors there might be in that information. If you would like a copy of it please contact us at our registered office address.

We are entitled to charge the current statutory fee for providing you with a copy of your information.

  1. Links
    1. To Our Web Site

You may link to our web site homepage from a web site owned and controlled by you in a way that is lawful and does not damage our reputation or take unfair advantage of it. We may withdraw linking permission without notice.

You must not use any link to our homepage to suggest any association, approval or endorsement by us.


You must not frame our web site on any web site.

    1. From Our Web Site

We do not accept any responsibility for the information practices of a web site you are able to access through a link on our web site. We make no representations about any other web sites which you may access through links on our web site.

The inclusion of a link to a third party web site contained on our web site does not mean that we endorse that third party web site.

A third party web site accessed from a link on our web site is independent from ourselves and we have no control over the content and/or management of that web site. You view and rely upon the contents of any such third party web site at your own risk. We accept no liability to you for the contents of and/or information on any third party web site.

We shall have no liability to you for any loss or damage you may suffer if you enter into any contract as a result of viewing a third party web site linked to our web site.

We do not guarantee that any links to third party web sites contained on our web site will function correctly.

  1. Intellectual Property

All web site design, text, pictures, graphics and the selection and arrangement of them and all software compilations, coding, underlying source code, software and all other material on this web site are copyright Jurang Wholesale Limited 2010-2019 unless otherwise acknowledged.


Infringement of our copyright in this web site or the materials associated with this web site may lead to criminal and/or civil sanctions.

Permission is granted to you to electronically copy and to print hard copy portions of this web site for the sole purpose of using this web site as a research and information resource provided you agree not to change and/or delete any content, web design and/or layout contained in that material and acknowledge us (and any identified contributors) as authors of such material. Any other use of materials on this web site including modification, distribution, or republication are strictly prohibited.

If you copy, print or download material from our web site in breach of these Terms and Conditions, you must immediately cease to use our web site and erase, destroy and/or return any unauthorised materials to us.

If you believe that any content of our web site in any way infringes intellectual property rights belonging to you or any third party, please contact us immediately.

  1. Viruses

Please note that viruses and similar destructive programs are an inherent risk of communication via the internet. We will use reasonable endeavours to prevent contamination of any material sent to you with any virus or similar destructive code.

We do not, to the maximum extent permitted by law, accept any liability for any virus or similar destructive code which computer equipment and/or software used by you may suffer as a result of your accessing our web site and/or any other communication via the internet between you and us.

It is your responsibility to scan what you choose to download from our web site to ensure that it is free of such items as viruses, worms, trojan horses, logic bombs and other similar destructive code.

You must not introduce any viruses, worms, trojan horses, logic bombs or other similar destructive code to our web site, attempt to gain unauthorised access to our web site, the server on which it is stored or any server, computer or database connected to our web site, nor attack our web site using a denial of service attack. To the extent that you do any of these things, we may report such activities and disclose personal data relating to you to any relevant law enforcement agency.

  1. General

Neither we nor any of our affiliates, directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for losses arising out of or in connection with the use of and/or inability to use this web site.

We do not represent or warrant that the information accessible from or via this web site is accurate, complete or current.

The limitations of liability in relation to this web site apply to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.

The limitations of liability in relation to this web site do not limit our liability to the extent that it cannot be limited and/or excluded by applicable law.

You are liable for any telephone charges and any charges made by your internet service provider as a result of your use of the internet service.

Any rights not expressly granted by us are reserved.

Your use of our web site is subject to English law. Any dispute and/or claim arising out of this web site is subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

Coffee Machine Purchases

For Coffee Machine purchases, the above terms of sale do not apply and therefore we request you view our Terms of Sale for Coffee Machine Orders here.